Brewster Federal Credit Union
Brewster Federal Credit Union
105 S. Wabash Ave.
Brewster, Ohio 44613
(330) 767-4345
What is a Credit Union?
A credit union is a group of people with a permit to do business with each other. A business of saving their money in a common fund, and of making loans to the members from that fund. While big bank chains often cater to their customers that are most profitable, the credit union philosophy has always been one of equality and personal service.
A Credit Union is not a credit bureau
A Credit Union is not a labor union
A Credit Union is not a loan company nor a finance house
A Credit Union is a group of people who have joined forces to manage their own money
Its basic objectives are to teach and encourage thrift among members and, through their combined savings, extend to members low cost credit for any worthwhile purpose.
How can I join Brewster Federal Credit Union?
You are eligible to join the Brewster Federal Credit Union if you live, work, worship or attend school in Stark County. Once you join then you can start receiving some of the many benefits of credit union membership. Stop in for more information and brochures. Click here to learn about eligibility.
Who owns Brewster Federal Credit Union?
You as a member own the credit union. You are not a customer at your credit union. You are an OWNER.
Copyright ©2009 Prime Alliance Solutions Inc.
