Integrity Federal Credit Union
Integrity Federal Credit Union
971 Wooster Road, West
Barberton, OH 44203
Phone Number: 330-825-2455
Fax Number: 330-825-4877
24-Hour Automated Teller: 330-825-2287
Mortgage Loans
Closed End Fixed Rate Mortgage Refi
Looking to refinance your existing mortgage to:
lower your rate?
lower your payment?
shorten your term?
take cash out of your equity?
Maybe your looking to do more than one of the above. Whatever the reason, let us show you what we have to offer and see if it's a fit for you.
No Points or Applications Fees. We only pass on the third party expenses that it costs us to close the loan. Since these costs vary dependent on the amount you borrow please contact us for an estimate.
Closed End Fixed Rate Second Mortgage
There are many reasons to take out a second mortgage rather than refinancing your entire mortgage or opening a home equity line of credit.
Our second mortgage is closed end with a fixed rate so your payment will never increase.
You may have a better than current market rate on your first mortgage so it would not make sense to refinance at a higher rate.
Tell us your needs and we can determine what is the best fit for you!
No Points or Applications Fees. We only pass on the third party expenses that it costs us to close the loan. Since these costs vary dependent on the amount you borrow please contact us for an estimate.
Open End Variable Rate Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)
We offer an open-end, variable rate Home Equity Line of Credit. What this means is that you can take advances up to your credit limit when you need the money. Maybe an advance in the spring for landscaping and in the winter for those remodeling projects or maybe to purchase a vehicle or take that dream vacation. It's up to you! When an advance is made your payment is recalculated to pay off the balance in the allowed term. It does have a variable rate but once your initial rate is "locked in", it is not subject to change until April and annually in April after that.
Copyright © Harland Financial Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Whatever you need the money for, our Home Equity Line of Credit can put your plans into action! Ask us if this is the best option for you!
No Points or Applications Fees. We only pass on the third party expenses that it costs us to close the loan. Since these costs vary dependent on the amount you borrow please contact us for an estimate.
