Preferred Mortgage Consultants Inc.
Preferred Mortgage Consultants Inc.
120 W. Aurora Rd., Suite A
Northfield, OH 44067
Toll Free:(800)839-1019

A strong and genuine belief in the "customer for life" principal of doing business is what fuels this company. Referrals from previous customers and local real estate professionals have always delivered the majority of the Company's production.

We use the most advanced technology available to close loans quickly, at a low cost. By combining the use of the Internet along with advanced processing software and automated underwriting systems we have taken the mystery out of approving and closing a home loan.

We can lower your monthly payments saving you thousands in interest and payments. We provide information about mortgages, consult on them, help people understand their mortgage choices and give them loans and loan processing. We help people improve their current mortgage situation and achieve their financial goals.

Preferred Mortgage Consultants Inc. provides mortgage services, including refinancing, home purchase, land contract conversion, construction, second mortgages and debt consolidation, for borrowers with all credit types. We match people with the mortgage program that bests suits their profile.

If you're looking to refinance your existing FHA loan, call one of our consultants and ask about FHA's streamline refinance program. When purchasing a new home FHA has great programs for first time home buyers. Call today!

© 2009, Preferred Mortgage Consultants Inc. All rights reserved.
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