The Bank of Magnolia
The Bank of Magnolia
10045 Cleveland Avenue SE
East Sparta, OH 44626
Phone: (330)866-9326
The year was 1899. The Civil War had been over for 34 years, Canton’s own William McKinley was president, Ernest Hemmingway was born, and the three sons of William H. Greer opened the doors of a bank at 122 North Main Street in Magnolia. The original name was William H. Greer's Sons, but in 1910 the bank was incorporated as The Bank of Magnolia.
The bank was built on the site of what had been the family's vegetable garden. One of those sons, Clarence S., also owned a grocery store next door; on the corner of Main and Carrollton streets.
The Bank of Magnolia has grown over the past century, currently operating offices in Magnolia, East Sparta and Canton . The Bank building itself has been expanded, and a parking lot has been added next door. However, much has remained the same. The Bank continues to do business out of the same building that was built in 1899 and still uses the original vault built by the Diebold Company. It even has records dating back to the early 1900’s. This small, family-owned bank is pleased to serve residents and businesses of the Stark, Tuscarawas and Carroll county areas. The Bank of Magnolia is regulated by the State of Ohio and the FDIC.
