The Citizens Bank of Ashville
The Citizens Bank of Ashville
26 East Main Street
Ashville, OH 43103
When it comes to loans, we have everything you could ask for. From the perfect weekend getaway to a sleek new car, to that special home you have always dreamed about, we give you easy access to all types of loans. We offer some of the most affordable, low-cost rates available, along with flexible terms to match your budget and lifestyle
Over the years, we have watched our community grow and prosper. The main driving force behind the bank’s success has been to remain community minded, serving the financial needs of the community and providing friendly, courteous service that is typical of an independent financial institution. The community’s success is truly the basis of our success.
The Citizens Bank has seen many changes and innovations in the past 100 plus years. In 1894, the bank operated with 2 employees, gaslights, hand posted entries, and showed a total asset value of $113,585.00. Today, our asset size is $90+ million. We offer our customers online banking, telephone banking, ATM services, as well as traditional customer service.
