The Hicksville Bank
Hicksville Office
144 E. High St.
Hicksville, OH 43526
PH: 419-542-7726
FAX: 419-542-9546
For over 100 years The Hicksville Bank has provided a Safe and Sound place for your money. Even during these past few months of negative publicity about the banking industry, your bank is strong and still provides the safety you are looking for in a bank. We have taken a conservative approach to investing during these difficult economic times by avoiding investments of a risky nature. Sub-prime lending has never been a part of our loan portfolio and we avoid investing in high risk stocks and bonds. Just in case you didn’t know, FDIC insurance has been increased to $250,000.00 per depositor through December 31, 2013, and retirement accounts are also insured for $250,000.00. Along with being a secure place for your hard earned money, we are also good corporate citizens by being very involved in the communities we serve to help make them a better place to live and work.
Larry D. Coburn
President & CEO
© Copyright 2005
