The Peoples Bank
The Peoples Bank
103 E Wiggin Street
Gambier, Ohio 43022
Phone: 740-427-2101
Fax: 740-427-3106

Fixed rate loans with up to 30 year terms.

Adjustable Rate Mortgages ( ARM’s) with initial rates locked in for 3, 5, or 10 years.

We service all of our loans, this means we approve and close your loan, we keep your information right here within Knox County, and you make your payments here.

The bank has continuously updated its technology and went to imaging and phone banking and now to on-line banking in order to remain competitive. The banking environment has changed at lightning speed in recent years and while the bank is committed to using all the up-to-date features, we still concentrate on our motto – “Small enough to know you, big enough to serve you”. While many large regional banks call themselves community banks, we are committed to being a Real Community Bank.

The Bank has always been directed by a Board made up of people that live in and have direct connections to our community. All our officers and employees have Gambier or Knox County addresses. So, it is clear that along with honoring our past, our interests are in the future, health and prosperity of our community.

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